Our Partners
Our network is a collaboration between not only researchers and clinicians, but also between other studies, charities, patients, families and the public.
James Lind Alliance

The James Lind Alliance (JLA) has a great deal of experience in working collaboratively with patients, carers, researchers and clinicians.
JLA supports and guides the creation of Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) to identify and prioritise questions within specific areas of health.
PSPs highlight questions, areas of uncertainty, and clinical need which are important to patients, researchers and clinicians to be addressed that may have been previously overlooked by traditional research methods.
The McPin Foundation
The McPin Foundation is a mental health charity which specialised in involving individuals with lived experience in research.
The Foundation works to both deliver and support high-quality mental health research by using collaborative methods to include those with lived experience at all stages of the research process.

Bipolar Scotland
Bipolar Scotland is Scotland's charity for anyone living with bipolar disorder.
The charity is member led and focuses on collaboration and peer support.
Generation Scotland
Generation Scotland is a study looking at the health and wellbeing of volunteers and their families.
Their aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of current and future generations by supporting collaboration between researchers and volunteers.
BioClocks UK
BioClocks UK is a community for those involved in the research of biological rhythms. They work to support the wider chronobiology community, and inform the collaborators and the public about what is happening in this area of research.